Our first visitors at Bertland, lake trip and an invitation to a 40th birthday celebration/rugby world cup camping weekend.
Our adorable little man just gets cuter and cuter. He is so smiley and sweet. Its amazing how each baby has their own personality and his is just pure sweetness!
It's been a busy few weeks at Bertland! Granny and Grampa Barrett came to visit us for a week over their half term and we managed to book a cottage at the lake to spend a couple of nights at, it was so relaxing and lovely!
A little taste of paradise. We were lucky to have a nice breeze during the day too. We did plenty of relaxing and even more swimming. It was a wonderful time away.
Who remembers monkey oranges?? I thoroughly enjoyed teaching my kids this bush craft activity I used to enjoy when I was young!
The cottage comes with a chef and so we bought some fresh Chambo (Bream) and he cooked it for us. Mmmmm.
A definite highlight for me was going on the SUP. There is something so soothing about being out on the calm water and feeling like you could just keep going forever!
View of the sunrise from my bed!
Painting the dried Monkey Oranges!
Exploring with Granny and Grampa. We found some lovely spots around Mzuzu.
Joel sleeping in his sensory swing! I can highly recommend these!
MANGO SEASON!!! We couldn't eat them quickly enough so I tried my hand at making dried mango and it was a success! The only problem is that the kids polished it off in one morning!
Coffee in bed...
Visiting friends.
Hiltons birthday party
We were invited to go camping for a 40th of someone we hadn't met yet by mutual friends. It ended up being such fun and we got to try out our new camping gear for the first time.

We had a really lovely weekend and made new friends. Louie was the only kid to stay awake for the entire game. Such fun!
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