~ M A L A W I ~ Our first few weeks adapting to a new way (and pace) of life.

We had a very warm welcome to Blantyre from Wends and family, and my dad, who so generously lent me my mom for 2 months! The kids were very excited to see their cousins and jumped right into playing games. The warm weather was a welcome change from icy George.

Lou and Nate went for a sleepover with Granny and Grampa and they spotted all the animals at Game Haven. 

My sisters live about 400m apart so we went from house to house as we pleased. There is a petrol shortage in the country so it is convenient that they live on the same road.

Lou wanted to try some sugar cane so he bought a stick. It was a hit...(kind of!)

My 3 munchkins. I still have to pinch myself sometimes.

Grampa having some Joel snuggles. 

Joel having a bath in a womb bucket that Merin left for me. Such fun.

Morning snuggles with the Holmies.

Every time we have visited Malawi, one of Louie's highlights is going on Brent's motorbike with him.

The fields aren't quite as green as in George!

Aunty Wends developed a very special bond with this boy. She had the magic touch when it came to putting him to sleep. All he needed me for was food when she was around. I was so drained from the weeks leading up that all I wanted to do was sit and not have to make any decisions haha. It was nice to get a few days reprieve. 

Fun at Gamehaven.

Just chillin'.

Shelzi planned a potjie cook off for us on our last night. It was lots of fun and we always have plenty to laugh about when we are together.

On the road again. It is a 2 day drive to Mzuzu from Blantyre.

We stayed over in Lilongwe on our way...no swimming this time!

Final day: Mzuzu here we come!

We arrived safely just after lunchtime. Our house is lovely and we have a beautiful tropical garden with lots of trees including guava, avo, peach, lemon and banana trees.

It was a long day!

Our first supper in our new house!

We will be camping for a while until we can buy furniture. 

These 2 champions were so excited.

I had my work cut out for me. Luckily there's no deadline and so I decided to be kind to myself and my baby and just take it slow. I needed to focus on Joel and give him my attention because he missed out on so much of that in all the chaos of his first few weeks of life.

After a few days with nowhere to sit except our camping chairs (which aren't great for breast feeding) we decided to go to the wood market and buy ourselves an outdoor cane set. They have a very smooth operation going there- you agree on your price and choose the set you like, then they hop into your car and they direct you to the shop that sells the foam (pre-cut to cushion size)... you buy 6 of those and choose the fabric you like (from the same shop- they know exactly how much you need). Then you take it all back to the taylor and he sews the cushion covers perfectly in under 2 hours. Its one of the few things that has been relatively quick and easy in Malawi!

On Sunday we visited Flood Church and were given a very warm welcome. We met a few families and the kids made friends instantly. We heard all about the school bus and it made school the next day very appealing to my kids.

After church we got home to no power, so we decided to take a drive to the lake. It is a beautiful 45-55min drive down the escarpment to Nkhata Bay. We went to Mayoka Village where they have pizza Sundays. Tim and the kids wasted no time going for a swim and we had some yummy pizza's with a pretty amazing view.

First day of Year 1 for this little sweet girl, and Year 3 for LJ. The kids have to catch the school bus to school and back. Its a long day with school from 8:30am-2:30pm but with the bus ride its 8am-3pm, and until 4pm when Lou has sports.

They have been absolute champions, fitting in really well and making the most of it. It is such an answer to prayer for us that they are happy.

We have a lovely big veggie patch in our garden so we decided to try cooking some of our harvest...

We aren't too fond of the mustard leaves, they are a bit bitter.

The local kale (chamolia) is more of a hit mmmm.

Joel gets lots of love from his siblings! I just LOVE the moment this photo captured.

We were invited around for pizza's by some families we met at church and Lily has found a lovely little friend her age. Another answer to prayer!

It was Louie's birthday on Sunday and we were surprised when he said he didn't want to go to the lake, he wanted to invite his new friends over for tea and cake rather! He loved it.

Joel thinks he is he king of the castle in the bumbo Jacqueline passed on to us.

Joel is starting to interact with his toys. This octopus was crocheted by someone at church and is a special representative of our George family.

We have a new gardener who has moved onto our property with his family, it seems cliché to say that its another answer to prayer but honestly we have just been blown away by God's provision in all of this. William is a Christian.

So Louie has got 2 new friends to play soccer with, and Lils also has another little friend to steal the ball from the boys with.

In my own weakness I always underestimate God and I doubt that He will answer ALL of my prayers and pleas. I feel like I am asking for too much, but His hand is so clear in this. Not just in the good or easy things, but in the way that He has prepared us and taught us (through the hard times too) that we need to trust and depend on Him. I feel like the past 9 months have just been such a rollercoaster of emotions with so many challenges. 

It is such a comfort to know that He is in control and by His grace he has made that so clear to us. The verse that confirmed this move was one that we read at Cango Wildlife Ranch- it was the verse that David Livingstone clung to: Matthew 28 vs 19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."


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